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The composition, duties, and operation of the remuneration committee:

1. Members of the Remuneration Committee

Note: Please tick the corresponding boxes if remuneration committee have been any of the following during the two years prior to being elected or during the term of office.

(1) The person, the spouse, and relative within the second degree of kinship, who is not an employee, director or supervisor of the company or the affiliates of the company.

(2) The person, the spouse, and relative within the second degree of kinship, who does not hold the shares.

(3) Not a director or supervisor of the Company or the affiliates of the Company.

(4) Not a professional who provides audit or receives in the last two years for commercial, legal, financial, or accounting services to the company or its affiliates.


2. Operation of the Remuneration Committee

(1) The remuneration committee of the Company consists of 3 members.

(2) Term of the committee members: July 8, 2019 ~ June 20, 2022. A total of 2 meetings of the remuneration committee were held in the most recent years. Director attendance was as follows:



Attendance in Person

By Proxy

Attendance rate (%)



Renn, Jyh-Chyang





Committee Member

Leong Kam-Son





Committee Member

Lin, Yu-Ya






1. If the board of directors declines to adopt or modifies a recommendation of the remuneration committee, it should specify the date of the meeting, session, content of the motion, resolution by the board of directors, and the Company’s response to the remuneration committee’s opinion (e.g., the remuneration passed by the Board of Directors exceeds the recommendation of the remuneration committee, the circumstances and cause for the difference shall be specified): None.

2. Resolutions of the remuneration committee objected to by members or expressed reservations and recorded or declared in writing, the date of the meeting, session, content of the motion, all members’ opinions and the response to members’ opinion should be specified: None.

3. Operation of the Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee Date

Proposal Contents and Follow-up Processing


Company’s respond to the opinions of the remuneration committee

January 28, 2021

The fifth meeting of the remuneration committee of the fourth term

Approve the amendment of the “Rules for Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors” of the Company

All members agree.

No objection.

Review the remuneration plan of managers of AirTAC Ningbo

All members agree.

No objection.

Review the remuneration plan of managers of AirTAC China

All members agree.

No objection.

August 5, 2021

The sixth meeting of the remuneration committee of the fourth term

Approve the managers and directors who are also employees of the Company to subscribe the shares for employees’ subscription of the Company’s capital increase in 2021

All members agree.

No objection.

4. Main duties of remuneration committee

(1) Formulate and regularly review the Company's directors and managers' annual and long-term performance goals and policies, systems, standards and structure of salary and remuneration

(2) Regularly evaluate the achievement of performance goals of the Company's directors and managers, and set the content and amount of their individual remuneration.